FREE Charts

*For USA/Canadian accents and spelling see bottom of this page*

We believe that the general public and educators should have good information about the complex English alphabetic code, and we believe that high quality phonics training and resources should be readily available for all educators and learners internationally.

With this aspiration, we have provided information and exceptional resources featuring the complex English alphabetic code, and FREE practical phonics resources and guidance accessible to all educators (in schools and homes from age 3+ to adult) regardless of their location and financial situation. Your donation – entirely voluntary – will help us cover the costs of maintaining our free websites, administration and advisory service. If you value our work and would like to support us, we’d greatly appreciate your contribution. Debbie Hepplewhite

General Information or Teacher Training

Alphabetic Code Charts may be helpful for a variety of people and purposes. The following English Alphabetic Code Charts are all free to download. They can be used with the Phonics International synthetic phonics programme or to complement other basic literacy programmes for reading and spelling:

  • General information or teacher-training
  • Teachers’ files for planning or tracking progress
  • Giant charts for classroom wall display
  • Mini charts for learners’ own phonics folder or ‘for home’
  • Mini charts for literacy policy or school’s brochure
  • Charts for learners to track their own progress

Two-pronged systematic and incidental phonics teaching and learning‘ supported by the ever-present, overview Alphabetic Code Chart to show the spelling system in a tangible format.

Poster for teaching incidental phonics for reading

Poster for supporting spelling in the wider curriculum

An Alphabetic Code Chart for English with the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)

An ideal one-side teacher-training chart to show the IPA symbols alongside easy-to-use notation for the sounds, or phonemes. This chart includes a comprehensive range of graphemes (spelling alternatives) and lists the complexities of the English alphabetic code. The chart is particularly useful for international students and teachers, and teachers of English as a second language (ESOL) who may be trained in phonetics but not necessarily systematic synthetic phonics.

The English Alphabetic Code plus The Synthetic Phonics Teaching Principles (with pictures)

This chart includes Debbie’s ‘Two-pronged’ systematic and incidental phonics teaching approach.

The English Alphabetic Code plus The Synthetic Phonics Teaching Principles (with pictures)

This chart includes the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols alongside the easy-to-use symbols.
*Recommended for use in University Literature for student teachers*

The English Alphabetic Code plus The Synthetic Phonics Teaching Principles (without pictures)

The English Alphabetic Code plus The Synthetic Phonics Teaching Principles (without pictures) with IPA symbols

This chart includes the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols alongside the easy-to-use symbols.

simple to complex Alphabetic Code overview colour

Debbie Hepplewhite's Simple to Complex Alphabetic Code Overview with Detailed Teaching Points (full colour)

simple to complex Alphabetic Code overview plain

Debbie Hepplewhite's Simple to Complex Alphabetic Code Overview with Detailed Teaching Points (plain)

simple to complex Alphabetic Code overview with Space for Notes (full colour)

Debbie Hepplewhite's Simple to Complex Alphabetic Code Overview with Space for Notes (full colour)

simple to complex Alphabetic Code overview with Space for Notes (plain)

Debbie Hepplewhite's Simple to Complex Alphabetic Code Overview with Space for Notes (plain)

Giant Charts for Classroom Wall Display

The English Alphabetic Code Complete Picture Chart

The English Alphabetic Code Complete Picture Chart

The English Alphabetic Code Full Colour Chart

The English Alphabetic Code Full Colour Chart

The English Alphabetic Code Plain Chart

The English Alphabetic Code Plain Chart

The Alphabetic Code Chart Grey and White

The English Alphabetic Code Grey and White Chart

The English Alphabetic Code Full Colour Chart - with Picture Prompts for the Sounds

The English Alphabetic Code Plain Chart - with Picture Prompts for the Sounds

The English Alphabetic Code Grey and White Chart with Picture Prompts for the Sounds

The English Alphabetic Code Grey and White Chart - with Picture Prompts for the Sounds

Mini Charts for Learners’ Own Phonics Folder or ‘For Home’

The Alphabetic Code with Picture Prompts for the Sounds

The Alphabetic Code with Picture Prompts for the Sounds (plain)

Mini Alphabetic Code Chart with Pictures

Mini Alphabetic Code Chart with Pictures

Charts for Learners to
Track Their Own Progress

The Alphabetic Code Colour the Code

The Alphabetic Code - Colour the Code

The Alphabetic Code - Write Over the Graphemes

Alternative Giant Charts (which may suit USA and Canadian Accents)

US The English Alphabetic Code Complete Picture Chart

The English Alphabetic Code Complete Picture Chart

US The English Alphabetic Code Full Colour Chart

The English Alphabetic Code Full Colour Chart

US The English Alphabetic Code Plain Chart

The English Alphabetic Code Plain Chart

The English Alphabetic Code Grey and White Chart

The English Alphabetic Code Full Colour Chart - with Picture Prompts for the Sounds

US The English Alphabetic Code Plain Chart with picture prompts for the sounds

The English Alphabetic Code Plain Chart - with Picture Prompts for the Sounds

US The English Alphabetic Code Grey and White Chart with picture prompts for the sounds

The English Alphabetic Code Grey and White Chart - with Picture Prompts for the Sounds

General Information or Teacher Training
(which may suit USA and Canadian Accents)

US The English Alphabetic Code plus the Synthetic Phonics Teaching Principles with Pictures

The English Alphabetic Code plus the Synthetic Phonics Teaching Principles (with Pictures)

US Simple to Complex Alphabetic Code Overview with Detailed Teaching Points Full Colour

Debbie Hepplewhite's Simple to Complex Alphabetic Code Overview with Detailed Teaching Points (full colour)

Mini Charts for Learners

(which may suit USA and Canadian Accents)

US Mini Alphabetic Code Chart with Pictures

Mini Alphabetic Code Chart with Pictures

US Mini Alphabetic Code Chart with Picture Prompts for the Sounds

Mini Alphabetic Code with Picture Prompts for the Sounds

US Colour the Code

The Alphabetic Code - Colour the Code